We do What We Do

I was going through some old promo, articles, show posters.

In the days when I was singing jazz. I am hoping my enthusiasm made up for a lot.

It's not what I do anymore, although it still…

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Why am I holding my breath?


I woke up the other morning holding my breath 

It's not the first time lately. 

It's an unsettling feeling. 

Like I am waiting for something to start or end.

I am grateful for my life.

I have my health.


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The Pursuit


The Pursuit 

If we pursue our passions, happiness will be our constant reward. 

Why do we say that? Is happiness the only thing worth striving for?

I personally don’t think so. 

Dare I say happiness is overrated as a goal? 

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The Hijacking of Hope

The hijacking of hope 

On any given day, I might not consider hope at all. I might not be actively hoping for something. 

Could it be I am not giving myself the time to hope, or dream or even aspire…

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Standing firm

I recently wrote these lyrics

We made a pact together

Stand firm and strong forever

They were written for our Life Into Song Project.  ( there will be more on this project coming soon).


Yes,there is the story of two…

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When you don't measure up

March 2, 2019


When you don't measure up to your best version of you

You've let someone's petty comment land hard and knock you off your game.

You don't keep it together or otherwise lose your #$@t.

You find yourself…

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Failing Upwards

May 13th, 2019

Failing Upwards

I heard a Thunder Levin interview the other day.  He was talking about his long career as a screenwriter.

"The years went by and success always seemed within reach, but never quite", he said. I…

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It's not a hobby

There are going to be some struggles.  Even the best lives have some bumps and mistakes and doubts. 

There are going to be some people, some you know and some you don’t who will take you out at the knees…

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When we can't finish

When we can’t finish 

November 11, 2018 

At times in our lives, we think the road ahead stretches for ever. 

We have the time we need to accomplish everything. 

Or we have the time we need to start to think…

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September, 2018


I’ve been wondering, pondering decisions, how they are made or not made. 

Not the decisions I’ve already made- I’ve found myself to be lacking the ability to acknowledge and praise my own good decision…

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The things I pass by

The things I pass by

July 24, 2018

There are so many things I pass by, physically or in some other plane.

I step over things, don’t notice they are there.

It’s almost worse than ignoring…

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Everyone counts

I recently changed the title of my blog page to “things I think about at 3 am”.

Really, it’s what I’m thinking of at anytime, anytime that I have created enough space in my day to think,…

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