Milestones and Fresh Starts

I know it's time to start creating and performing again because I am waking up in the middle of the night singing in my head.  Recently, I was at an awards show in my dreams and one of my songs was being performed by someone famous(read, someone other than me!) It was a great song, after all it had just won a major award.  I awoke to it slipping away and wondering if I had actually heard it elsewhere or just made it up.  

I have decided to just get right up the next time and hum it into my ipad or my zoom, after all, it's not everyday you get a gift like that given to you.  The universe might decide to stop giving them if I don't take the initiative. 

Hence, back to being focussed on the things I'm good at, while I manage to manage the things I perform with dazzling mediocrity. 

See you soon 


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