
Not everything I write down in my pre-blog notebook hits the page of my blog.  Sometimes I can't find the right words. 

This took a few pauses and re-writes.  There is room for improvement. 

In the interest of trying to stay on schedule for posting my blog, I'm putting it out there. 

Give yourself the time to improve. 

Practice, certainly. 

Most importantly, practice patience. 

If a new skill doesn't stick instantly, stop overthinking, examine if you are learning it the best way.  Give your brain permission to get past the block. 

Acknowledge your victories. 

If you stepped out and tried something new and it worked, fantastic! 

If it didn't work, fantastic!  You probably learned something. 

Keep creating.  Be thankful. 

Someone, maybe a friend, will have an opinion.  It might be one you are happy to hear, and it may not be. 

At least be thankful, you performed, created, danced, with enough commitment to have them listen and see.  You helped them generate an opinion. 

Sometimes people will make a comment like, "you've really improved" or you are so much better than the last time I saw you" 

Be thankful. 

If you need to take a deep breath, do. 

( there may be a tiny voice in your head, it could be saying things, I'd like to see you get up there, are you kidding me, does this pass for being supportive in your world..did they think I really sucked before, do they still think that..) 

Acknowledge that they noticed your hard work. 

Acknowledge yourself. 

Be gracious, to your self and to the person who took the time to give you some feedback. 

Notice that you have improved, you have kept learning, you have changed.  You have experienced some growth. 

You may even notice you have developed some patience. 

You have given yourself the room to embrace awesomeness. 

Embrace that feeling, hold on to it, remember it the next time you need to channel patience. 




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