The best of the Season

The circle of life, of the seasons, of the saddest and happiest of seasons, it's Christmastime.  The winter solstice is almost here.  The days of long, dark nights and joyous get togethers.  As long as we remember to be joyous, and leave our petty rememberings at the door and in the past where they belong.  At least, that's what I strive to do. And I listen, for the forgiveness and the kindness and the hopefulness that is in all of us, myself included.  Not one more person needs to tell me life is short, I know it, short and desparate and happy and hurtful and wondrous.  It's what we have this time around, I'm going to make the best of my worst attempt and leave the judgement behind me.   

I'm going to enjoy every minute, and every smile and every tear that slips down my cheek when I think of people who are missing, that I am missing.  And I won't think, I should be over that, because there is nothing to be over.  Here's to you, present and gone, and to us, at Christmastime. 



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